Thursday, March 28, 2019

Importing and Exporting Address Books in MS Outlook 2007

The following instructions explain how to import address books from other email clients to use in MS Outlook 2007, as well as how to export your MS Outlook 2007 address book for use in other email clients.
Importing to MS Outlook 2007
Exporting from MS Outlook 2007

Importing to MS Outlook 2007

To import an address book from another email client:
  • Start MS Outlook.
  • Go to File on the menu bar, and select Import and Export

  • In the Import and Export Wizard window, select the Import from another... option.
  • Click Next.

  • In the Import a File window, select the Comma Separated Values (Windows) option.
  • Click Next.

  • If prompted to install a translator, click Yes

  • In the Import a File window, click the Browse button and locate a *.csv file located on your computer.
  • When you have found it, click Open then Next.

  • You may need to adjust some of the fields before completing the Import. When you are finished, click OK.

  • In the Import a File window, click Finish, and the address book file will be imported into Outlook.

Exporting from MS Outlook 2007

To export your MS Outlook 2007 address book for use in another email client:
  • Start Outlook.
  • Go to File on the menu bar, and select Import and Export.

  • In the Import and Export Wizard window, select the Export to a file option
  • Click Next.

  • In the Export a File window, select the Comma Seperated Values (Windows) option.
  • Click Next.

  • In the Export a File window, select Contacts as the folder to export from.
  • Click Next.

  • In the Export a File window, click Browse and select a location to save your *.csv file on your computer (e.g. your desktop).
  • Give it a name and press Save, followed by Next.

  • In the Export a File window, insure that the actions are to export "Contacts from folder: Contacts.
  • Click Finish when you are done, and your address book will be exported.

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