Thursday, March 28, 2019

How To Change Start Menu Name In XP


1) with notepad or a text editor open the file c:\windows\system32\restore\filelist.xml (you might need to change it's properites from read only first by right clicking on the file and selecting properties, then remove the tick from the read only checkbox) 
2) add the following line to the first section to exclude explorer.exe from the protected file list 
- %windir%explorer.exe 
3) save the file (and apply the read only properties back if you wish) 
The next 2 steps actually modify the explorer.exe file that is the windows shell so back it up first if you are uncertain what you are doing (to back up the file, open a cmd window and type - 
copy c:\windows\explorer.exe c:\windows\explorer.bak) 
4) Open the file c:\windows\explorer.exe with your exe editor and edit the text in following lines 
String Table > 37 > 1033 
String Table > 38 > 1033 
You just edit the text inside the "Start" to what ever you want and compile if necessary (depends on your exe editor - you will if you use ResHack) 
5) save the file as (file > save as) explorer.xp (back up this file to another disk if you want to save a bit of hassle after you recover the machine next time) 
6) restart the machine and start tapping F8 to get the start menu - choose safe mode with command prompt 
7) log on as Administrator and you'll be presented with a cmd prompt 
8) To copy the modified file just type 
copy c:\windows\explorer.xp c:\windows\explorer.exe 
assuming that's where you saved it to with your exe editor)

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