Thursday, March 28, 2019

Generic Host Process for Win32 Services has encountered a problem...How To Solve This?

1. 1st Option You  uninstalled SP3 and disabled windows update; everything is OK now!

2. 2nd Option is fixed it by booting into the recovery console and using CHKDSK to fix disk errors.  The volume was not marked "dirty" so had to use the option to force a detailed check, and ran it again with the "fix" option.

3. 3rd And use full Option is 

  • Copy the following code [only the Red codes].
    @ECHO off

    Echo Coded by

    reg  add  HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\netbt\parameters  /v  TransportBindName  /t REG_SZ  /d  ""  /f

    reg  add  HKLM\Software\Microsoft\OLE  /v  EnableDCOM  /t  REG_SZ  /d  "N"  /f

    Echo Coded by

    Echo Generic Host Error Problem Is Fixed, Press any key to continue

    2. Open a notepad and paste the above copied content to the notepad.
    3. Save the file as GenericHostErrorProblem.bat and close it.
    4. Double-click on GenericHostErrorProblem.bat and run it.
    5. After fixing or removing the errors, it will ask you to press any key to finish.
    6. Press any key and that's all to fix the problem Generic Host Process For Win32 Services Encountered A Problem and needs to close.

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