Tuesday, July 7, 2020

How To Bypass Windows 30 day Activation / Product Key Requirements

This is my first Instructable!!! I'll show you how to bypass that annoying activation screen that Windows gives you after your 30 days are up. Microsoft requires you to enter a valid Product key within 30 days of installing Windows. It's a little trick to prevent piracy of their software. I'll show you how to get around that and use Windows normally, and access the Desktop and Start Bar just like you normally would, at least until you acquire a valid product key from Microsoft. Note: I Will be using Windows XP Home Edition. Any other XP version should work as well.

Whether you use this information to retrieve files after windows locks up or to access your computer without having to purchase a new CD from Windows, I suggest researching the laws concerning these types of activities before attempting them. I do not support piracy but I do believe users should have access to Windows, i.e. their personal files even in the event of an invalid/used product key.

Step 1: Step 1 - Login to your Account and access Explorer

Step 1:
Turn on your computer and login to your account. You get a message telling you that you need to activate your product, Click Yes and the Activate Windows screen will load. Now press the windows key + U and Microsoft Narrator should pop up. Click OK for the little disclaimer Narrator gives you and behind it will be the Narrator option screen. In the top left of the Narrator option screen, you'll see a little computer icon, click it and a drop-down menu will appear. Click on About Narrator. On the next pop-up, click the link Microsoft Web site. You now have access to Internet Explorer!!! Whether you have an internet connection at the time or not, it doesn't matter, we aren't actually trying to get online.

Now we are going to access your desktop and Start bar. In the address bar, type: C:\WINDOWS\explorer.exe and press enter.

VOILA! You have access to your entire computer just like you normally would! Don't close Narrator though, because windows tends to realize what you're doing and reset back to the Activation screen. It's not bullet-proof, sometimes my computer will reset back to the activation screen, but you can just do the same thing again as many times as you want! 

How To Shutdown your PC using Command

Shutdown Command

Shutdown Command :

shutdown [/i | /l | /s | /r | /g | /a | /p | /h | /e | /o] [/hybrid] [/f] [/m \\computername] [/t xxx] [/d [p:|u:]xx:yy] [/c "comment"] [/?]

Tip: See How To Read shutdown Command if you're not sure how to read the shutdown command shown above.

/i = This shutdown option shows the Remote Shutdown Dialog, a graphical version of the remote shut down and restart features available in the shutdown command. The /i switch must be the first switch shown and all other options will be ignored.

/l = This option will immediately log off the current user on the current machine. You can not use the /l option with the /m option to log off a remote computer. The /d, /t, and /c options are also not available with /l.

/s = Use this option with the shutdown command to shut down the local or /m defined remote computer.

/r = This option will shut down and then restart the local computer or the remote computer specified in /m.

/g = This shutdown option functions the same as the /r option but will also restart any registered applications after the reboot.

/a = Use this option to stop a pending shutdown or restart. Remember to use the /m option if you're planning on stopping a pending shutdown or restart that you executed for a remote computer.

/p = This shutdown command option turns off the local computer completely. Using the /p option is similar to executing shutdown /s /f /t 0. You can not use this option with /t.

/h = Executing the shutdown command with this option immediately puts the computer you're on into hibernation. You can not use the /h option with the /m option to put a remote computer into hibernation, nor can you use this option with /t, /d, or /c.

/e = This option enables documentation for an unexpected shut down in the Shutdown Event Tracker.

/o = Use this shutdown switch to end the current Windows session and open the Advanced Boot Options menu. This option must be used with /r. The /o switch is a new beginning in Windows 8.

/hybrid = This option performs a shutdown and prepares the computer for fast startup. The /hybrid switch is a new beginning in Windows 8.

/f = This option forces running programs to close without warning. Except with the /l, /p, and /h options, not using shutdown's /f option will present a warning about the pending shutdown or restart.

/m \\computername = This shutdown command option specifies the remote computer that you want to execute a shutdown or restart on

/t xxx = This is the time, in seconds, between the execution of the shutdown command and the actual shut down or restart. The time can be anywhere from 0 (immediately) to 315360000 (10 years). If you don't use the /t option then 30 seconds is assumed. The /t option is not available with either the /l, /h, or /p options.

/d [p:|u:]xx: yy = This records a reason for the restart or shut down. The p option indicates a planned restart or shut down and u a user-defined one. The xx and yy options specify major and minor reasons for the shutdown or restart, respectively, a list of which you can view by executing the shutdown command without options. If neither p nor u are defined, the shutdown or restart will be recorded as unplanned.

/c "comment" = This shutdown command option allows you to leave a comment describing the reason for the shutdown or restart. You must include quotes around the comment. The maximum length of the comment is 512 characters.

/? = Use the help switch with the shutdown command to show detailed help about the command's several options. Executing shutdown without any options also displays the help for the command.

Tip: Each time Windows is shut down or restarted manually, including via the shutdown command, the reason, type of shut down, and [when specified] comment are recorded in the System log in Event Viewer. Filter by the USER32 source to find the entries.

Tip: You can save the output of the shutdown command to a file using a redirection operator. See How To Redirect Command Output to a File for help doing that or see Command Prompt Tricks for more tips.

Shutdown Command Examples:

shutdown /r /d p:0:0
In the above example, the shutdown command is used to restart the computer that's currently being used and records a reason of Other (Planned). The restart is designed by /r and the reason is specified with the /d option with p representing that the restart is planned and the 0:0 indicating an "Other" reason.

Remember, major and minor reason codes on a computer can be displayed by executing shutdown without options and referencing the Reasons on this computer table that's displayed.

shutdown /l
Using the shutdown command as shown here, the current computer is immediately logged off. No warning message is displayed.

shutdown /s /m \\SERVER /d p:0:0 /c "Planned restart by Tim"
In this shutdown command example, a remote computer named SERVER is being shut down with a recorded reason of Other (Planned). A comment is also recorded as Planned restart by Tim. Since no time is designated with the /t option, the shutdown will begin on SERVER 30 seconds after executing the shutdown command.

shutdown /s /t 0
Finally, in this last example, the shutdown command is used to shut down the local computer immediately since we designated a time of zero with the shutdown /t option.

Shutdown Command Availability:

The shutdown command is available from within the Command Prompt in Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, and Windows XP operating systems.
Note: The availability of certain shutdown command switches and other shutdown command syntax may differ from operating system to operating system.

Shutdown Related Commands:

The shutdown command is similar in some ways to the logoff command.


Hiren's BootCD From USB Flash Drive (USB Pen Drive)

Step 1
Connect USB Pen Drive (1GB or more)
Step 2
Download and Run USB Disk Storage Format USB Disk Storage Format USBFormat.zip (34KB)
Step 3
Download grubinst_gui Grub 4 Dos grub4dos.zip (179KB) and Run as Administrator
Step 4
Insert the BootCD (10.3 or newer) in the CD Drive and Copy everything from CD to USB Flash Drive
Step 5
Copy grldr and menu.lst from grub4dos.zip (or from HBCD folder) to the usb drive
Step 6
Test Your USB Drive (read bottom of the page for troubleshoot)

Make sure you set your computer to boot from USB Flash Drive

To Enter the BIOS press the "Del" button on your keyboard. Alternatives are "F1", "F2", "Insert", and "F10". Some PC's BIOS might even require a different key to be pressed. Commonly a PC will show a message like "Press [Del] to enter Setup" to indicate that you need to press the "Del" key. Some AMI BIOS require you to enable the option "USB Keyboard Legacy support"!
  • Go to "Feature Setup". "Enable" these options: "USB Function Support", 
    "USB Function For DOS" and "ThumbDrive for DOS". Go to "Advanced Setup". 
    Set the "1st Boot Device" to "USB RMD-FDD".
    Reboot the PC and it now should boot from the Usb Stick.
  • Go to "USB Mass Storage Device Configuration". Select "Emulation Type" 
    and set it to "Harddisk". Go to the "Boot Menu" and set the "1st boot device" to "USB-Stick". Exit the BIOS, saving the changes. 
    you can try "Emulation Type" to "Floppy" or "Forced FDD".
  • Go to "Advanced BIOS Features". Go to the "1st Boot device" and set it to "USB-ZIP".


If you cannot install grub4dos (or you get "cannot run background program" message) then use syslinux to boot grub4dos

Make Auto mail in all your outlet where we are used Touché software,

Dear All,

This is the training sheet how to make Auto mail in all your outlet where we are used Touché software, Please read Carefully and make night audit in your outlet .

Should you have any questions, please feel free to let us know.

Let’s Follow the Steep....

1st.- Take a backup Frontend and Devices in your local drive

2nd.- Install SQLServer2005_BC from //\Software\TEA JUNCTION FULL SETUP 

3rd.- Copy Touche7.7.6.rar from //\Software\TEA JUNCTION FULL SETUP\Release and paste this on Wish Folder And extract this ,then Right click on TUpgrade.exe and run as Administrator

4th.- Then Click on [Please locket your Touche Directory] then chose D:\WISH\FRONTEND\AutoFire.exe then click Open and Type Sa Password and then press Execute.

5th.- After complete the Job Then copy all Dll file from D:\WISH\FRONTEND\dll and net Folder Click on run type C:\Windows\System32 and paste all contain, Then Find register.bat from C:\Windows\System32 and right click to open as administrator for register the particular file.

6th.- Open Start button and find the CMD and right click on this and run as administrator then type cd D:\WISH\FRONTEND\net then enter and type d: and press enter D:\WISH\FRONTEND\net registry and press enter

7th.- Copy AutoFire and prnrep1 from //\Software\TEA JUNCTION FULL SETUP\tjcli and paste D:\WISH\FRONTEND\CLI and replace all

Then edit both file and rename outlet mane in Colum no 25

8th.- Copy SMTP file from //\Software\TEA JUNCTION FULL SETUP\tjcli and paste D:\WISH\FRONTEND\System.

9th.- Create a new Folder in D Drive with name Report.

10th.- open Ini.oui file from D:\WISH\FRONTEND\SYSTEM and type in last of page




Installation Steps Of Adobe Creative Cloud In MAC an Windows.

1St. Login With Adobe Admin Console page .... "https://adminconsole.adobe.com/team"
2Nd. Make User who used Adobe License For Creative Cloud. Like This...

3Rd. Logoff current page and Relogin with Add License Login id like 

Click On Forgot Password Option
Then Open new Page Like 

Then Click on Next button and you got a mail in your Inbox where you reset your password and then re-login admin console page...

Then Click on Plan and Create Plan with your Purchase Cloud Product. What you want.

Then click on Download Button
Then install All recommended Software Ans used it...

Windows Server 2008 R2 0x80072F8F Windows Activation Error.

  The Windows activation error code 0x80072F8F may occurred while trying to activate Windows 7 or Windows Vista. As Microsoft says the error...