Wednesday, February 4, 2015

Manually remove the shortcut virus from USB

Hi guys. Sometimes its very irritating when you insert any USB and it shows many shortcuts of My Documents and all the important data and files become invisible. This is due to a shortcut virus. It is usually present in many computers of office, college or cyber cafes. Many of my friends are facing the problems with this virus. So here is a simple trick by which you can remove this virus from your pen drive.
  • Open command prompt. go to start >run > type cmd.
  • Insert your USB flash drive. Assuming it is the drive I:
  • In the command prompt window type the following code and hit enter
attrib -h -r -s /s /d I:\*.*

          here replace I: with your drives name.
  • That's it. Now you can see the magic that all your invisible files are back now. 
You have successfully removed the shortcut virus from your pen drive.

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