Friday, January 9, 2015


A few times a year a notification on your Cyberoam’s dashboard that looks like this:
Cyberoam Update Notification
The update can be downloaded directly from the link and the update process is fairly painless. I’ve done this for two dozen or more units and never had one brick, so there’s a very little worry here. Also, the Cyberoam keeps two firmware images in memory so that if something goes wrong, it just boots from the last valid image (i.e. the one it’s running now). Still, I’d do this after hours and take a configuration backup first.
I recommend that you check my article on Automatic Cyberoam Backups and add them before going further.

Applying Cyberoam Firmware Updates

Step 1 - Take a manual backup of your Cyberoam. It’s fairly easy to do. Go to the Maintenance Menu under the System Menu on the left. Select the Backup and Restore tab and click the “Download Now” button. A file download of the configuration file will start. It’s a small file so even if you’re doing this over the internet, it shouldn’t take too long to finish.
Cyberoam E-mail Backup Configuration
Step 2 - Download the Firmware update. You can either get it from the message on your dashboard or from Cyberoam’s website directly. You’ll need to log into your customer account to get the download. I don’t suggest doing this because you have to answer a few questions about your device and if you make the wrong choice, this at best won’t work.
Step 3 - Go to the Maintenance Menu under the System Menu and select the Firmware Tab. You’ll see the two, or possibly more firmware images being stored on your device. The top one on the list will have an upwards pointing arrow next to it. See the image below. Note that the bottom one on the list is the one being used by the unit.
Cyberoam Firmware Update Screen Upload Icon Marked
Click on that upload icon.
Step 4 - Find the firmware file you downloaded in the second step with the “Choose File” button.
Cyberoam Upload Screen
Step 5 - You have two options at this point. You can click the “Upload and Boot” button and it will apply it immediately, or you can just click the upload firmware button. If you choose the latter, you can wait until a later time to apply the firmware. Note that when you just upload the firmware, it replaces the non-active image on your device.
Step 6 - If you clicked the “Upload and Boot” button, then as soon as the unit reboots, you are done. If you clicked the “Upload Firmware Button” you will have to tell it when to boot to the new image. To do so, click the two arrows icon on the top item on the list (the non-active image). See the image below:
Cyberoam Firmware Update Screen Boot Image Icon Marked
Once the Cyberoam has rebooted in either case you’ve updated the firmware. Most of the time if the image was bad, or something else goes wrong it just boots into the last working image. Most of the time if you just download the file again and try again this will resolve itself. If not you may either need to call customer support or wait for the next firmware image to come out

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