Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Bootable usb drive using command prompt .iso version

This is an updated version of the previous command prompt post.
This version only requires the iso image file of the windows, a program to mount the image, and Windows 7 or Vista as the operating system.
  1. The first step is to obtain a .iso image file of Windows XP, Vista, 7, 8 is not supported in this method.Bootable USB Example
  2. Now you need to mount the .iso image file with a magic disk, daemon tools or any other mounting program.Bootable USB
  3. The next step is to open the command prompt with administrator rights. Go to start, in the search bar type cmd, and right click the cmd file and select run as administrator.
  4. In the cmd program you need to type the following commands: diskpart→list disk→select disk 1(disk 1 is my USB drive, you need to select your USB drive, you will recognize the USB drive by its size)→clean→create partition primary→select partition 1(or 2,3,4 depending on what number is your USB drive)→active→format fs=ntfs→(the formatting process will take about 10-15 minutes).Create Bootable USB
  5. After the formatting process is done you will continue writing commands:→assign(this will usually change the USB drive letter to H or G)→exit(this will exit the disk part but not the cmd)→xcopy i:\*.* /s/e/f h:\→(i is the letter of the mounted .iso and h is the letter of the USB drive where you want to copy the files from i)→Untitled14
  6. This process will take another 10-15 minute.
  7. When the copping process is done just type:→exit(this command will exit the cmd)Untitled15
  8. That was all, your USB drive is now bootable.

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